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> > > Night carp fishing

Night carp fishing

Main informations below :

- Areas here night fishing is permitted are marked by signposts called "kilometer points" (PK) : each sign has a number and there is one every 500 meters. They are located on the left bank of the river "Saone" along the towpath (you determine the right or the left bank by positioning yourself in the direction of the current).

- Night fishing is allowed within "PK areas" and on banks only (right or left), excluding islands.

- Vegetable baits must be used exclusively.

- No carp or any species caught by chance will be held captive or taken away.

- Night fishing is strictly forbidden on lakes and ponds.

- Night fishing from a boat is strictly prohibed.

Find all limits of areas about night carp fishing on the interactive map

Open it by clicking here

Select the night fishing pictogram.

You can find all kilometer points (PK) by using the dark mode of the map to vizualise areas listed below.