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> > > Night carp fishing

Night carp fishing

Main informations below :

- Areas where night fishing is permitted are marked by signposts called "kilometer points" (PK). Each sign has a number, and they are placed every 500 meters. They are located on the left bank of the Saône River along the towpath (you determine the right or left bank by positioning yourself in the direction of the current).

- Night fishing is allowed within "PK areas" and on banks only (right or left), excluding islands.

- Vegetable baits must be used exclusively.

- No carp or any species caught by chance will be held captive or taken away.

- Night fishing is strictly forbidden on lakes and ponds except Bordelan lake et Colombier lake (see below)

- Night fishing from a boat is strictly prohibed.

Find all the limits of areas for night carp fishing on the Rhône and the Saône using the interactive map

Open it by clicking here

Select the night fishing pictogram.

You can find all kilometer points (PK) by using the dark mode of the map to vizualise areas listed below.

Bordelan lake in Villefranche-sur-Saône

Night fishing for carp is authorized from February 1st to the last Friday of April inclusive, across the entire lake, without prior reservation.

Colombier lake in Anse

Night fishing for carp is authorised from February 1, to last friday of April, inclusive, on the 7 designated fishing spots shown on the map below and marked on-site with signs. Reservation is mandatory via the online platform.

  • 1 night reserved corresponds to the reservation day, from sunset to sunrise the following morning.
  • The reservation holder must be one of the two anglers present at the fishing spot. A maximum of two anglers is allowed per fishing spot.
  • Specific fishing spots can't be reserved. You must set up at any available fishing spot.
  • You may fish for a maximum of 4 consecutive nights. For multiple nights, a separate reservation must be made for each night.
  • To ensure fair access to the fishing spots, the Federation reserves the right to cancel any reservation.
  • Anyone caught night fishing without a valid reservation will be subject to a fine.

Click here to access the booking platform

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