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> > > Legal catch size

Legal catch size

What is the regulated size ?

The length of the fish is measured from the tip of the snout to the end of the extended tail, and the length of the crayfish is measured from the tip of the head, excluding claws and antennae, to the end of the extended tail.

Fish and crayfish of the species listed below may not be fished and must be immediately released after capture if their length is less than :

*Warning (harvest slot)

Three areas and three species are concerned. Locate precisely these areas on our guide map and discover below species concerned by this specific regulation.


For pike anglers on all the rivers and lakes of Rhône department and the Metropolis of Lyon, pike less than 50cm (19,685 inches) or more or equal to 70cm (27,559 inches) must be imperatively released (by prefectoral degree)

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For fishermen on Saône river and its connected ponds as well as on the Ronzey and Joux lakes, zander less than 40cm (15.748 inches) or more or equal to 60cm (23.622 inches) must imperatively be released (by prefectoral degree)

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Brown trout

Brown trout less than 20cm (7,876 inches) or more or equal to 25cm (9,842 inches) must imperatively be released (by prefectoral degree) on :

- Top of Garon upstream and its tributaries,

- Top of Yzeron uptstream

- Top of Brévenne upstream and its tributaries,

- Top of Reins upstream and its tributaries,

- Top of Sornin de Saint-Igny upstream and its tributaries,

- Turdine downstream of the Joux dam, Boussuivre and Vermare streams

- Saint-Didier, Vernay, Samsons streams and Ardières from Saint-Didier confluence to Samsons confluence.

- Nizerand and its tributaries.

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